Full discography wowhead
Full discography wowhead

full discography wowhead

Und der eigenwillig berserkerisch-elegante Sound, den die österreichischen Doomer auf ihrem Debut präsentieren, braucht wie ein köstlicher Barriquewein zum Atmen Luft und Zeit. Sowieso ist Zeit im Doom und Stoner Rock nur eine Frage der Bassdrum und des Verzerrer-Sustain. Und wieder einmal hat Metal völlig Recht! Time Is On Our Side. Ausgebremst vom Rollator auf dem Highway to Hell. Giving Birth To A Planet zerrt minutenlang sein schweres Riff den Berg hinauf und nicht einmal das Gitarrensolo hat da noch Lust auf perlende Läufe. Speed kommt von spät: Little Hole Filled gönnten sich fast 25 Jahre Zeit, um mit ihrem Debutalbum endlich rauszurücken.

full discography wowhead

Sturmalarm! Von Alltagsruhe zum Noise in 0.35 Sekunden. Wer den Opener auflegt – beware! Und halte das Whiskeyglas fest. Schon eher Soundtrack für die Maloche am Hochofen. Um hier gleich klare Verhältnisse zu schaffen: And The Ants Still March On ist definitv nichts für die Kinderjause. Und seine Welt geht unter in einer rasiermesserscharfen Wall Of Sound. Marlon Brando lässt in Apocalypse Now den Satz kurz sickern, dann legt er die brandneue Platte von Little Hole Filled auf seinen 1012er Turntable von Dual. Crawling, slithering, along the edge of a straight razor and surviving.“ „I watched a snail crawl along the edge of a straight razor. The time a snail, for example, needs to crawl along the edge of a razor, and survive. Like being on a boat ride on an unknown river with the occasional rapids, shallows and hungry river monsters graving for your attention while you hum along to the berserk-but-elegant tunes delivered by Little Hole Filled. The album's multilayered, snotty yet crystal clear sound makes And The Ants Still March On an adventurous delight. "Answers the question: what if a stoner band was influenced by The Doors and Bauhaus? Eclectic, strange, and melancholic, this album gives you time to breath and mourn." Albeit the recipe, concocted by singer/guitarist Phillipp Diesenreiter, who is also a sound engineer and, as Tenderboy, one of the best-known Austrian hip-hop artists, is special. And all our favourite dark spices are in there. So who’s coming to our rescue? A hot pot does, steaming of heavy riffed guitars, ecstatic noise and pounding drums.

full discography wowhead

Kurtz would have loved that: operating at a snail’s pace while the world around him is falling to pieces. Speed is not essential here: Little Hole Filled allowed themselves almost 25 years to finally release their debut album. Blasting from white noise to BIG noise in less than a wink. It’s something that you need to experience." Īnd The Ants Still March On is not a walk in the park. Most importantly the album rocks hard as hell. "From start to finish you'll be treated to an extensive spread of genres and styles that will keep you engaged and stimulated. A mad kings’ wisdom? He’s earned himself a degree in mayhem and he’s seen things, for sure. There’s something in his words and in the way he’s delivering them. Crawling, slithering, along the edge of a straight razor and surviving." "I watched a snail crawl along the edge of a straight razor.

Full discography wowhead